I've always liked journeys, sitting with headphones on watching the world rush by thinking about not a lot and at the same time everything. Recently I was riding the bus home when my attention became transfixed on something on the inside and provoked a thought which perfectly embodied the kind of over analysis of the world I've always been guilty of. This time though my analysis need not be subjected to such scrutiny, as I intend to embrace my love of deep and philosophical thinking and maybe even put it to better use than worrying myself over what so-and-so thinks of this-and-that.
The dangling handles on the railing in the standing area of the bus reflected in the glossy roof, and as they swayed with the motion it was easy to imagine the reflected handles were occupying their own reality where they were being pulled upwards by a strong force. It then struck me how in the reality we inhabit where the handles are hanging down, they are subject to the exact same conditions of being pulled by a strong force. Up and down are relative concepts, and do not represent an objective reality just as your left and right does not point to the same places as they do for the person stood across from you.
As simple and as obvious as these concepts are, they seem to be forgotten in much of the mainstream social and societal structures of the modern world. We grow up with the belief that our left and right is everyone’s left and right, so when we take a wrong turn we never question whether the directions we were given were correct, we just take up the belief that we must be bad at following directions.
The world rushing by me as I sit on the bus is still for those sat inside it, as is the bus surrounding me as I sit, still, inside.